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Senior Model Application


David B Photography is starting a new model program for the Class of 2022! Our program is not based on who is the most popular or who has the most followers. This is about you & your personality. Everyone has a fair shot at becoming one of our models. We are all unique in our own way, let us showcase you're uniqueness.

What is it?
Our Model program is an all-inclusive opportunity to serve as a Brand Ambassador for David B Photography & our local community. We are looking for Seniors that are driven, individualistic, virtuous, engaging & charismatic. This program will have both benefits & responsibilities, but our models will take with them professional skills, confidence & the best part - a group of peers to share their Senior year with. A maximum number of Seniors from each high school will be chosen.

What do I get?
We will have three different shoots between April 2021 and September 2021 & each shoot will have a different theme to it, for example: a high-end fashion look, an urban setting and a park. Our models will receive a minimum of 15 different images in total (approx 5-6/shoot). We will post the images on our social media and tag you in them so all your friends and family can see them. We ask that all David B Models share their photos on their social media & promote our business by tagging us @davidbimages.

In addition, if you choose to use David B Photography for your Senior session you will receive 20% off your total Senior package. Oh & mom, there's a special surprise in there for you as well - message me for details! PLUS, our models are our first choice when we need a paid photo assistant for a shoot. It’s a fun, educational, part time job & pays $30/shoot!

What do I have to do?
As one of our Brand Ambassadors, we ask that models promote David B Photography on social media & actively refer new clients to our business, essentially anyone you come in contact with that may be looking for a Senior Photographer. We expect our models to constantly uphold high moral & behavioral standards. We reserve the right to immediately drop you as a Senior Model if it comes to our attention that you are participating in any illegal activities or activities which could be deemed harmful to our reputation. We want positive influences & role models in our portraits. While we do encourage our models to be active & involved in our community, it is imperative that you are able to attend the 3 shoots. Please consider your schedules when applying.

What does it cost?
Yes, there is a $150 fee for the program, but it is more than a 75% discount on the total value of services you will receive. This is due to the fact that for the first time EVER, David B Photography is going to be GIVING our models print rights to their photos. This is something that we have NEVER done before. Keep in mind, print rights for most sessions are $200+. You are essentially paying for my time as a professional photographer with over 15 years experience.

Are you ready to be one of David B’s Senior Models for the Class of 2022?

                  APPLY TODAY

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