I was just looking through my site and making tweaks as I typically do and noticed my last blog post was one year ago. That's just a crime!
The past year for me has had some amazing things but also pain and sorrow, I suspect just like most people, we all have those hills and valleys in our lives.

We have all heard countless times, it's not how many times you get knocked down by life it's how many times you get up after being knocked down.
I have spent most of my photo career working on being the best portrait photographer I can possibly be. I take photos primarily of high school seniors and families and I have had some amazing clients. When I shoot I'll post my images to my social pages and people will share them or like them and that is great that is exactly what I want people to do. But the traction I receive from those images is a little lack luster, I have a couple hundred interactions with the post which is great! But several months ago, I decided to post a landscape photo that I had taken, simply because I really liked it and I thought it was a great image. As it turns out everyone else thought the same thing. The interaction of that photo was over a thousand people, the highest number for any image I had taken, so now I include a landscape with my portrait images. When I post a landscape photo today the interaction I receive is in the thousands every time, my highest came last summer at the Shawnee, Oklahoma balloon festival, I had over 150 thousand interactions.
I think Henry Ford said it best, If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
Today, I am no known more for my landscape work than my portrait work, I never thought my landscape work was that striking, that just goes to show what I know about marketing and what people want.