I am originally from Michigan and a passionate fan of my Pistons, Red Wings, Tigers and, even the Lions. When you live in a state where it is not uncommon to receive snow by the foot there are certain things you anxiously await as annual events to gage how close you are to the warmer months of the year. Michiganders know if you are looking out the window and using mother nature as your gauge you'll be confused; you see it's not uncommon to get a March or even and April snow storm that will dump several inches of fresh powder on you. So what do you look for? Its silly but its the little things. The auto show, the boat show, then its the golf show and finally pitchers and catchers and spring training starts.
The best memories for me were sitting in the hot summers sun at the corner of Michigan and Trumble with my Dad, Grandfather and Brothers taking in a Tigers game. If I close my eyes and let my mind wander I can put myself in that place and time. The sound of the crowd, the vendors yelling; peanuts, cracker jacks, beer! the smell of that fresh cut grass and when my dad wasn't looking, sneaking a sip of his Stroh's. It was awesome to see players like, Al Kaline, Alan Trammel and Sweet Lou Whittaker. If you were a kid growing up in Detroit there simply wasn't anything better, it was a great place to be.
So spring is here no matter what it is doing outside your window. This year just like the last several, I will make plans with my kids that no matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, we carve out a day and all meet in Detroit and head over to Comerica Park and take in a Tigers game.