The official start to summer, Memorial Day. This is my favorite time of year, sitting outside taking in the night air, camping, swimming in the lake, really embracing the outdoors. I am originally from Michigan so we really embrace the warmer months there. Once the snow finally melts and depending on the year that can be as late as April some times. In the state shaped like a mitten people rush to the outdoors as soon as that temperature gage starts to rise. I think you can always tell a person from Michigan or any other state when they are in the south, they are the people who are wearing shorts when its barely over fifty here and we are all still wearing coats.

I also know that people lose sight of its true meaning, I know as a kid I did. We need to take a moment and remember why we have and thank the men and women who gave their all so we could live in a free society. I think there are a lot of people who don’t understand what it means to travel to another country and see the things that we take for granted.
I would also encourage everyone to take a trip to Arlington National Cemetery, to see just a fraction of the people who paid the ultimate price. To take a trip to the Tomb of the Unknowns and watch the pageantry of The Old Guard paying homage to those who have fallen. I assure you it will provide you perspective, one that you never had before.